Masks are recommended.
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Masks are recommended.
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1575 Alma Street, Vancouver, BC, V6R 3P3
The museum is located in Hastings Mill Park, at the corner of Alma and Point Grey Road.
博物馆位于Hasting Mill Park里, Alma和Point Grey路的拐角处。
By bus: 4 UBC, 84 UBC, and 7 Dunbar westbound to West 4th Ave and Alma
公共汽车: 4 UBC, 84 UBC, 和 7 Dunbar westbound 到 West 4th Ave and Alma
By car: There is limited street parking on Alma Street.
By walk/bicycle: we are located near the Seaside Greenway
走路/骑车:我们在Seaside Greenway附近
Off-Season Hours* (February - November 2022)
淡季时间 (2022/2 - 11)
Monday-Friday: CLOSED
Saturday & Sunday: 1 - 4 PM
*Hours are subject to the COVID-19 situation.
Please stay home if you are feeling unwell or awaiting a COVID-19 test result.
Only 5 visitors max at the museum per entry, excluding 1-2 volunteer staff members.
Visitors will be asked to answer a questionnaire prior to entering the museum. Please note that your names and contact details will be taken for the purpose of contact tracing.
在进入博物馆之前,参观者将被要求填写一份问卷。 请注意您的名字和联系方式会被记录下来,以便追踪密切接触者。
Masks are mandatory to be worn during your visit. Paper masks will be available for purchase by donation.
参观必须全程佩戴口罩。 我们提供可以捐款方式购买的纸口罩。
Our volunteers will be wearing masks.
Please follow the directional signs inside the museum and keep 2 metres (6 feet) distance between individuals/households (social bubbles).
请跟着博物馆里面的方向标,人与人 / 家庭与家庭之间保持2米(6英尺)距离。
There is a plexiglass barrier at the cashier to limit contact between visitors and staff.
A hand sanitizer station is available at the entrance.
Booked tours available in 2021. Please contact us to arrange a visit.
Public tours are temporarily suspended during Covid.
Pay what you can by cash or $10 with Square for credit and debit card payments, as well as Apple Pay, Android Pay, and Google Pay.
用现金支付你能支付的费用。或者用信用卡或者借记卡在Square上支付$10。也可以用Apple Pay, Android Pay, 和Google Pay 支付门票.
Wheelchair and scooter accessible on the main floor only.
Service dogs are allowed in the museum.
** No public washrooms available. Please use the facilities at Jericho Beach. **
**我们不提供公共卫生间, 请用Jericho Beach的设施。
Small gift shop with cards, bookmarks, jewellery, books, First Nations-designed accessories and goods, etc.
This is where it all started, where Vancouver began in a two-floor wooden building | that sits on a cliff perched above English Bay | at the foot of Alma Street on Point Grey. But it wasn’t always there. The rough-sawed cedar plank pioneer store was initially erected on the south shore of Burrard Inlet for British Captain Edward Stamp’s British Columbia and Vancouver Island Spar, Lumber and Sawmill Company, established in 1865.
在Alma street的尽头有一座粗锯雪松木制的二层小楼,温哥华即诞生于此。这间先锋商店,最初是为英国船长爱德华-斯坦普的”卑诗省和温哥华岛矿石,木材和锯木厂公司”(成立于1865年)而建造的。小楼位于布勒内湾南岸,Point Grey的一个悬崖上,将英吉利湾尽收眼底。
Its sturdy walls stood for sixty years at the foot of Dunlevy Street, the heart and soul of the logging settlement of Hastings Mill and Granville when timber was king. It was a good place just to get warm around the fire drum, share gossip and pick up supplies like picks and nails, or tonic and tobacco or staples for the winter. Cloves and fenugreek, linseed and caraway made settler food a little easier on the palate, and pioneer wives could find fine cloth for their dresses. There were blankets and tin for potlatches and loggers from the camps would come by boat to pick up mail. Tall ships brought news from the four corners of the earth. A good card game could shut down the mill!
它坚固的围墙在Dunlevy街脚下屹立了60年。在那个被木材称霸的年代里,这间小楼是黑斯廷斯磨坊(Hasting Mill)和格兰维尔伐木定居点的灵魂所在。人们围在温暖的火鼓取暖,分享八卦。这里也提供一些补给品,比如镐头、钉子,还有补药、烟草和冬天的主食。丁香、胡芦巴、亚麻籽和葛缕子给定居点的食物增添几许色香味。开拓者的妻子们能在这找到上好的布料;这里有为散财宴(北美原住民的一种赠礼仪式)准备的毛毯和罐头食品。从营地来的伐木工会乘船来取邮件;高大的船只带来世界各地的消息;扑克牌游戏让人乐不思蜀!
The store’s first life as a social and service centre lasted some twenty years until the second general store went up and the old store was relegated to storage in 1887. It had seen the best of Vancouver’s early history, when the west was wild, before the railway came. The old mill store, that had been the city’s first post office, library and community centre, and had played a pivotal role in the Great Fire 1886, would sit virtually unnoticed for forty years. But behind a common false front with the ‘new' store (also rapidly becoming old!), it remained a perfect intact relic of Vancouver’s pioneer past, the oldest building in the city.
From the 1860s through the 1920s, settlement on the Burrard Inlet was closely tied to the history of the Hastings Sawmill. Acquired by lumberman John Hendry in 1889, the mill remained, until the First World War, Vancouver’s largest industrial enterprise. In 1919, on the occasion of the visit of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, it boasted “peak production". But the winds of change were blowing through Vancouver, which was on the verge of leaving its lumber village status behind to become Canada’s third largest city. By 1927, in the name of progress and future development, the Hamber-Hendry family sold the Hastings Mill land to the Harbour Commission, the mill was dismantled and its equipment dispersed to smaller operations across the continent. The mill office, an 1895 show home, was donated to the Anglican Church and turned into a Seafarers mission which it remains to this day. The other buildings were slated for demolition in 1929. It gave Vancouver’s decade-old female historical society, the Native Daughters of B. C. Post No. 1, a new cause: to save the original old mill store.
19世纪60年代至20世纪20年代,布勒内湾的殖民地的历史与黑斯廷斯锯木厂紧密相连。1889年,伐木商约翰·亨德利(John Hendry)收购了这家工厂,直到第一次世界大战,它一直是温哥华最大的工业企业。1919年,威尔士王子殿下(H.R.H. the Prince of Wales)来访之际,它自称“产量达到了顶峰”。但是改革之风吹遍了温哥华,它从小小的木材村一跃成为加拿大第三大城市。到1927年,考虑到开发和未来发展,汉伯-亨德利(Hamber-Hendry)家族将黑斯廷斯磨坊(Hastings Mill)的土地卖给了港口委员会(Harbour Commission),磨坊被拆除,其设备被分散到整个欧洲大陆的小企业。工厂的办公室作为一个1895年的陈列室被捐赠给英国圣公会,至今仍被用来向海员传教。其他的建筑物原本计划在1929年拆除。这给温哥华有数十年历史的女性历史协会--“卑诗省第一邮政局土著女儿协会( the Native Daughters of B. C. Post No. 1)”带来了一项艰巨的任务:拯救老磨坊商店。
“They are going to tear down the old Hastings Mill store!"
In 1929, those words spread in disbelief and the store took on an almost mythic quality. Public outcry after the City Council decision to demolish Vancouver’s oldest building was the support the Daughters needed. They had already secured a lease from the Provincial Government on waterfront property at Jericho, for the purpose of building a clubhouse. So when the “Old Mill Store" was threatened, the Daughters rallied.
A committee was formed to approach the Hon. Eric Werge Hamber. Owner of the Hastings Mill and business manager for the Hendry family, Hamber listened with interest. The delegation of forward-thinking women had a proposition. Tow the building by water from the foot of Dunlevy through the Narrows up to the very site granted to the Daughters, at the bottom of Alma on Point Grey. The future Lieutenant-Governor didn’t skip a beat. He promptly agreed, giving the official title of the heritage store to the Native Daughters of British Columbia, Post No.1.
一个新成立的委员会前去与埃里克·韦尔奇·汉伯阁下(Hon. Eric Werge Hamber)接触。汉伯是黑斯廷斯磨坊的老板,也是亨德利家族的业务经理,他饶有兴趣地听着。这个代表团由思想前卫的妇女组成。代表团提议将建筑装船,用水向东把建筑拖到Alma街尽头,也就是土著女儿协会购买的那块地。而这位未来的省督也毫不迟疑的同意了。他将遗产商店的正式名称交给了”卑诗省土著女儿协会“, 做为第1号邮局。
The building fund coffers brimmed to the max. Ten thousand dollars in “cash and kind", small donations and handsome private gifts, as well as financial and material support from local businesses helped send Vancouver’s oldest pioneer on its “journey home", the banks of Jericho. It would become both the lodge of Post No.1 and a shrine to “the early pioneers of Vancouver and British Columbia."
建筑基金的财政收入达到了最高点。 以各类收入所获得的一万加币、小额捐款、丰厚的私人礼物,以及本地企业的财力和物力支持帮助温哥华最古老的“先驱者”踏上了去往Jericho海滩的 "回家之旅”。它既是1号邮局,也是 "温哥华和卑诗省早期先驱者 "的圣地。
It was July 29, 1930. The old Hastings Mill store and post office was hoisted aboard a large scow, and towed some ten kilometers from Burrard Inlet, through the Lions Gate and across English Bay to its new location. It was all captured on a film by the original moving company, F. W. Gosse. Barged by Captain J. Cates & Sons and accompanied by the Harbour Board yacht, Fispa, with tea catered by the Daughters, Vancouver’s first “skyscraper", the Marine Building, can be seen in one view of the young city. Today, the footage is shown on a small TV screen, one of the few concessions to modernity in the old pioneer museum.
1930年7月29日, 老黑斯廷磨坊商店和邮局在布勒内湾被吊上一艘拖船,经过英吉利湾,拖行了十几公里抵达新地址。 这一切都被一家搬家公司F.W.Gosse记录在了胶片上 。由J.Cates & Sons船长带领,在Harbour Board游艇 "Fispa “的陪伴和女儿们的茶水招待下,温哥华的第一座 "摩天大楼"--海洋大厦。如今,这些镜头在一个小电视屏幕上播放,这是老先锋博物馆为数不多的对现代性的让步之一。
After the barging of 1930, the Native Daughters and Sons, with the help of local woodworkers, carpenters, glaziers and electricians, set about restoring the exterior and refurbishing the distressed interior. The old shelves were ripped out and a stone fireplace was built “to add a homey touch", but the rest of the building was kept intact with the original main post and beam features.
1930年迁址后,”土著女儿和儿子们” 在当地木工、木匠、玻璃工和电工的帮助下,开始修复建筑外墙和内部的破损处。旧的架子被拆掉,一个新的石制壁炉给这个屋子带来几分温馨。除此之外,建筑的其他部分都完整地保留了原有的主柱和梁柱特征。
On a rainy January, 10, 1931, under a sea of black umbrellas the Hon. R. Randolph Bruce, Lieutenant Governor of B.C., opened the building with the unveiling of a bronze plaque. A year later, on January 16, 1932 it was officially dedicated as a “Museum of B.C. Historical Relics in Memory of the Pioneers" by Premier Simon F. Tolmie.
1931年1月10日,在一片黑色的雨伞下,不列颠哥伦比亚省副省长R.伦道夫-布鲁斯(Randolph Bruce) 阁下揭幕铜牌, 标志着这栋楼的开放。一年后,1932年1月16日,省长西蒙-托尔米(Simon F. Tolmie)正式将其命名为 "不列颠哥伦比亚省先锋历史文物纪念馆(Museum of B.C. Historical Relics in Memory of the Pioneers)"。
The first exhibit in 1932 included art and photographs from the Vancouver Pioneer Association, documented by the city’s then newly-appointed archivist Major J.S. Matthews, and a wide range of First Nations artifacts. The Native Sons of B.C. loaned, and later donated, their collection, of which the magnificent array of baskets remains one of the largest exhibits in the museum. Originally the building was called the “Pioneer Museum" in memory of the pioneers, but it became popularly known as the “Old Hasting Mill Store Museum" and eventually the colloquialism won out.
第一次展览是在1932年,展品包括了温哥华先驱协会(Vancouver Pioneer Association)的艺术和照片,当时该市新任命的档案管理员马修斯少校(Major J.S. Matthews)负责保管了这些展品。除此之外还有大量的原住民手工艺品。B.C.省的原住民们先借出,后捐赠了他们的收藏品。这些华丽的篮子至今仍是博物馆里最大的展品之一。最初,这座建筑被称为“先锋博物馆”,以纪念先驱者,但它后来被普遍称为“老黑斯廷斯磨坊商店博物馆”,后者被沿用至今。
Lieutenant Governor Eric Hamber was first to contribute Hastings Mill memorabilia, including cannons that had arrived in the mill’s first shipment of supplies from England and the old copper bronze bell that was used to sound alarm or summon meetings. You can see the old bell outside the museum today. Hamber’s wife Aldyen (daughter of the lumber giant John Hendry) also became an Honorary Native Daughter.
副州长埃里克·汉伯(Eric Hamber)是第一个向黑斯廷斯磨坊捐赠纪念品的人。他提供的藏品中包括第一批来自英格兰的物资中的火炮,以及用来发出警报或召集会议的旧铜铜钟。今天你可以在博物馆外面看到那座古老的钟。汉伯(Hamber)的妻子奥尔德安子(Aldyen)(木材巨头约翰-亨德利的女儿)也成为了原住民女儿协会的荣誉成员。
Another major benefactor, Watercolour artist and First Nations historian Mary DesBrisay, gave the museum some exquisite pieces. In appreciation, she was also bestowed the title of Honourary Native Daughter. In recent years, Vancouver’s first female Police Sergeant and Native Daughter, Phyllis Mortimore, donated her pioneer father’s Kwakiutl baskets bought in the Alert Bay area in the early 1900s.
另一位主要捐助者,水彩画艺术家和第一民族历史学家玛丽·德布里塞(Mary DesBrisay),赠予了博物馆一些精美的作品。为了表示赞赏,她还被授予“荣誉本土女儿”的称号。近年来,温哥华的第一位女警官、原住民女儿菲利斯·莫蒂摩尔(Phyllis Mortimore)捐赠了她的先民父亲在20世纪初从警戒湾地区买来的Kwakiutl篮子。
In the thirties, the society was in arrears with unexpected rising city taxes that had come with amalgamation. They tried for a short time to grow potatoes on the property but the crop was poor and what little money was made was turned back to the depression-era farmer. The Daughters were forced to give up their lease on the prime waterfront real estate. With all their energy going into the new war effort, the grant for the land was returned. The plot the historic building sits on is now leased from the Parks Board for a nominal fee, the larger property long ago turned into parkland.
Throughout WWII, the store served as a Red Cross Depot and work room. “There was at least four sewing machines buzzing and plenty of knitting needles clicking," said Trustee Lillian Hornibrook, “to make sweaters, balaclavas, gloves, socks and vests for the men the overseas."
In the archives, there are dozens of receipts for everything from gauze bandages to overcoats.
在整个二战期间,这家商店作为红十字会仓库和工作间。"至少有四台缝纫机在嗡嗡作响,还有大量的织针在咔嚓作响,"受托人莉莲·霍尼布鲁克(Lillian Hornibrook)说,"为大洋彼岸的战士们制作毛衣、风帽、手套、袜子和背心。"
More than sixty years have passed since the Old Hastings Mill Store reverted back to a museum, after the war. Acquisitions grew and the Native Daughters' societal status continued. There was a Heritage Canada award. And in the mid-1980s Chief Factor Terry Davies, another daughter of pioneers, oversaw extensive upgrading and refurbishing, including a new caretakers' suite to assure 24-hour security.
自从老黑斯廷斯磨坊商店在战后重新成为博物馆以来,已经过去了60多年。获得的藏品也越来越多,土著女儿的社会地位也持续上升,并获得了加拿大遗产奖。上世纪80年代中期,另一位先行者的女儿特里•戴维斯(Terry Davies)对博物馆进行了大规模的升级和翻新,添加了一间新的保安室,以确保博物馆二十四小时的安全。
The original old-timers, who once entertained Vancouverites on Sunday afternoons in the store with tales of the pioneer days, have all gone. But one step over the threshold and their spirit is palpable. It’s like walking back in time into a warm country home with an eclectic collection of artifacts: a simple kitchen chair saved from the Great Fire; a piano that arrived in Vancouver in 1894 as bridal effects from England via Cape Horn; Joe Forte's oil lamp; August Jack Khatsilano’s hand-carved rubber lacrosse ball; the city’s last (or was that the first?) Hansom cab. Every item has a story.
虽然那些曾在周日午后,向温哥华人讲述着过去故事的老一辈先驱者们早已离去。但每当你踏进博物馆的大门,看到这间乡间小屋里繁多的藏品,时间便如同倒流了一般。一把从大火里拯救出来的椅子、一架作为婚礼用品于1894年从英国经由合恩角抵达温哥华的钢琴、乔·福特(Joe Forte)的油灯、August Jack Khatsilano手工雕刻的橡胶长曲棍球、这座城市的最后一个(也许是第一个)汉瑟姆出租车。这里的每件物品都有自己的故事。
The Hastings Mill Store was designated a heritage building by the City of Vancouver. It is listed in the Vancouver Heritage Register as a class "A" structure (a site of primary significance that represents the best examples of a style or type of building). It is the oldest building on the Heritage Register (c. 1868).
The building is protected by a legal municipal ("M") heritage designation by the City of Vancouver.
In 2019, the building had critical repairs and restoration done to the chimney, roof, balcony and guttering system to meet current City Code specifications. It also received a new fire escape, which has just been completed in 2020.
When Captain Edward Stamp took his first measures to establish a sawmill on Burrard Inlet in 1865, he consulted with individuals like Colonial Secretary Arthur N. Birch and Chartres Brew, Chief Magistrate of the Crown Colony of British Columbia’s first Legislative Council. Stamp wanted as much timbered land as necessary on Burrard Inlet, the Fraser River, Howe Sound and the adjoining coast to be held by his company on a twenty-one year lease at one cent per acre.
1865年,爱德华-斯坦普船长(Captain Edward Stamp)在布勒内湾开始建立锯木场。彼时他咨询了殖民地秘书阿瑟-伯奇(Arthur N. Birch)和卑诗省第一立法委员会英属殖民地首席法官查特尔-布鲁(Chartres Brew)等人。斯坦普希望以每英亩1美分的价格、租期21年的价码在布勒内湾、菲沙河、豪湾以及毗邻的海岸上尽可能多地购买林地。
He did not consult with Indigenous members of the Squamish, Musqueam, or Tsleil-Waututh communities, who had lived a well-ordered life in the region since time immemorial.
Stamp’s logging crews began cutting down vast quantities of ancient-growth trees that had grown to profusion over the course of years. The trees represented lumber and cash, nothing more. Logging operations were sweeping and irreverent. Regions once thick with forest were clear-cut to the ground. Wildlife was displaced, unneeded foliage burned.
斯坦普的伐木队开始砍伐大量的古树。这些古树经过多年的生长,已经非常茂盛。砍伐古树根本原因不过是为了木材与钱。 而这些伐木作业范围广、杀伤力强。 曾经森林茂密的地区被砍得一干二净。 野生动物被赶走,不需要的树叶被当场烧掉。
Indigenous men of the region were given the opportunity to work in the sawmill—the only recorded semblance of compensation for a way of life disrupted. The Squamish community of Kumkumlye, adjacent to the sawmill townsite, was gradually assimilated and ultimately demolished.
Over the years, certain newcomers made an effort to integrate and co-exist with the Indigenous inhabitants. Some intermarried, like Hawaiian millhand Joe Nahanee. Townsite housewives Emma Alexander and Emily Patterson offered medical care. Storekeeper Calvert Simson supplied and attended one of the last potlatchs at Kumkumlye. Indigenous locals often did business at Hastings Mill Store, like Chinalset (Jericho Charley), who delivered barley and oats by barge canoe from the store to local logging camps. His wife Qhwy-wat paddled over daily with fresh milk from her six cows grazing near their Chaythoos (Prospect Point) home. The multi-lingual Chinook jargon was used for trade and commerce among widely diverse cultures.
多年来,某些新来者努力融入原住民并与他们共存。有些人与本地原住民通婚,比如夏威夷的雇工乔·纳哈尼(Joe Nahanee)、小镇的家庭主妇艾玛·亚历山大(Emma Alexander)和艾米丽·帕特森(Emily Petterson)提供了医疗服务、店主卡尔弗特·西姆森(Calvert Simson) 提供并参加了Kumkumlye的最后一次聚会。当地居民经常在黑斯廷斯磨坊商店做生意,比如Chinalset(Jericho Charley),后者用驳船从商店运送大麦和燕麦到当地的伐木营地。他的妻子奎维瓦特(Qhwy-wat)每天都带着她的六头奶牛身上挤出的新鲜牛奶,这些奶牛在他们位于恰图斯(Prospect Point)的家附近吃草。多语言合成的奇努克语(Chinook jargon)被广泛用于不同文化之间的贸易和商业。
But there is no denying that the Old Hastings Mill Store and those customers it served bore witness to the travesties of an era…injustice, greed, exploitation, disease and unbending mindset. The museum that remains today quietly marks a turbulent past.
Native Daughters of BC and Friends of Old Hastings Mill Store Museum cannot erase the wrongdoings of another time period. However, we can pledge to move forward in a shared commitment with our Indigenous hosts, upon whose traditional territory the building stands, to tell the full story. Quite humbly, and with deep respect, we extend our gratitude…
卑诗省土著女儿协会(Native Daughters of BC)和老黑斯廷斯磨坊商店博物馆之友(Friends of Old Hastings Mill Store Museum)无法抹去另一个时代的错误。然而,我们可以保证与我们的原住民们承诺共同前进,讲述完整的故事。毕竟该建筑就坐落在土著人民的传统领土上。因此我们非常谦恭,并怀着深深的敬意向您表达我们的感激之情。
At over 150 years of age, the Old Hastings Mill Store needs regular heritage preservation and upgrades to remain open to the public. As a museum entirely run by volunteers and dependent on admission and grants, the Old Hastings Mill Store Museum needs your assistance to help cover ongoing maintenance and operation costs.
Currently, we have three urgent projects, including roof and exterior repairs and painting.
Your generous support and contributions will enable us to maintain Vancouver's oldest building and museum artefacts, provide accessible public programming, and keep the museum open for generations to come.
Friends of the Old Hastings Mill Store Museum is a registered charity.
Business number: 119234185RR0001.
商业编号: 119234185RR0001
If you have any questions, please email us at
If you wish to donate by cheque, please make it out to:
Friends of the Old Hastings Mill Store Museum
And mail it to:
Old Hastings Mill Store Museum
1575 Alma Street
Vancouver, BC
V6R 3P3
如果您想以支票的方式捐款,请将收款人写为“Friends of the Old Hasting Mill Store Museum”,并邮寄至”Old Hastings Mill Store Museum, 1575 Alma Street, Vancouver BC, V6R 3P3“
We acknowledge that the museum is located on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and səl̓ilwətaɁɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations.
Old Hastings Mill Store Museum
1575 Alma Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6R 3P3, Canada